

发布时间:2021-12-16   浏览次数:0

林政国,中共党员,博士, 副教授,硕士生导师。2013年博士毕业于北京理工大学无机化学专业,导师为胡长文教授,2013年10月-2021年9月先后在德国不来梅雅各布大学(JacobsUniversity Bremen)UlrichKortz教授课题组和北京理工大学王博教授课题组进行博士后研究工作。2021年10月入职威尼斯娱人城官网。

主要研究方向为多金属氧簇(Polyoxomatelates,POMs)和金属有机框架(Metal-OrganicFrameworks, MOFs)等晶态功能材料的设计合成及其在催化、气体吸附/分离、抗菌/肿瘤生物活性等领域的应用。迄今已在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,Chem. -Eur. J., Inorg. Chem.和Micropor. Mesopor. Mat. 等国际重要学术期刊上发表SCI 论文70余篇,申请获批国际专利4项,主持并完成国家自然科学基金1项,参与完成国家自然科学基金3项。

实 验 室:威尼斯娱人城官网,理科群7号楼A419




[1] D. Ma,P. Li, X. Dan, J. Li, P. Shao, Z. Lang, L. Bao, Y. Zhang*, Z. Lin*, B.Wang*, A Hydrolytically Stable V(IV)-Metal-Organic Framework withPhotocatalytic Bacteriostatic Activity for Autonomous Indoor Humidity Control, Angew.Chem. Int. Ed., 2020, 10, 3905-3909.

[2] T. Ma,P. Yang, J. M. Parris, T. Csupász, M.-X. Li, I. Bányai, I. Tóth*, Z. Lin*,U. Kortz*, Indium in Polyoxopalladate(II) Chemistry: Synthesis of All-AcetateCapped [InPd12O8(OAc)16]5- andControlled Transformation to Phosphate-Capped Double-Cube and Monocube,Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 23, 15864-15871.

[3] P.Yang, T. Ma, Z. Lang, S. Misirlic–Dencic, A. M. Isakovic, A. Bényei, M. B.Čolović, I. Markovic, D. Z. Krstić, J. M. Poblet, Z. Lin*, U. Kortz*, TetravalentMetal Ion Guests in Polyoxopalladate Chemistry: Synthesis and AnticancerActivity of [MO8Pd12(PO4)8]12–(M = SnIV, PbIV), Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58,11294–11299.  

[4] C.Chen, L. Cai, L. Li, L. Bao, Z. Lin*, G. Wu*, Heterogeneous and non-acidprocess for production of epoxidized soybean oil from soybean oil usinghydrogen peroxide as clean oxidant over TS-1 catalysts Microporous and MesoporousMaterials, 2019, 276, 89–97.

[5] P.Yang, H. Li, T. Ma, F. Haso, T. Liu*, L. Fan, Z. Lin*, C. Hu, U. Kortz*, Rational Design ofOrganically Functionalized Polyoxopalladates and Their SupramolecularProperties, Chem. -Eur. J. 2018, 24, 2466–2473.  

[6] Z.Lin,N. V. Izarova, A.Kondinski, X. Xing,A. Haider,L. Fan,N.Vankova,T. Heine,B. Keita,J. Cao,C.Hu, U. Kortz*,Platinum-Containing Polyoxometalates: syn- and anti-[Pt2II(PW11O39)2]10-and Formation of the Metal-Metal-Bonded di-PtIII Derivatives, Chem.-Eur. J., 2016, 22, 5514–5519.

[7] Z.Lin, L. Fan, A. Kondinski,N. Vankova, B.Chen, A. Haider, B. Wang, U. Kortz*, C. Hu*, Chiral Dodecanuclear Palladium(II)Thio Cluster: Synthesis, Structure, and Formation Mechanism Explored by ESI-MSand DFT Calculations, Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55, 7811−7813.

[8]S. Wu, X. Yang, J. Hu, H. Ma, Z. Lin*, C. Hu*, Synthesis, structure and characterization of three differentdimension inorganic–organic hybrid vanadates: [Co2(mIM)5(H2O)2]V4O12,[Ni2(mIM)7 (H2O)]V4O12·H2O and [Cd(eIM)2(H2O)]V2O6,Cryst.Eng. Comm., 2015, 17, 1625–1630.

[9] Z.Lin, B. Chen, X. Feng, B. Wang*, Y. Chi, Y. Fan, X. Yang, X. Huang, C. Hu*, Two chiral multinuclear palladium(II) complexes comprisingalternately arranged isomerous hexanuclear clusters, Cryst. Eng. Comm.,2013,15, 6461–6464.

[10]Z. Lin, Bo Wang*, J. Cao, B. Chen, Y. Gao, Y. Chi, C. Xu, X. Huang, R. Han, S. Su,C. Hu*, Cation-Induced Synthesis ofNew Polyoxopalladates, Inorg. Chem., 2012, 51, 4435–4437.


[1] U. Kortz, Y. Xiang, Z. Lin, P. Yang, W. W. Ayass, H.Jaensch, Polyoxometalates Comprising Nobel Metals and Corresponding MetalClusters. (WO2017076603 (A1)-2017-05-11).

[2] U. Kortz, Y. Xiang, Z. Lin, P. Yang, W. W. Ayass, H.Jaensch, Polyoxometalates Comprising Nobel Metals and Corresponding MetalClusters. (WO2017133898 (A1)-2017-08-10.)

[3] T. Ma, U. Kortz, P. Yang, Z. Lin, W. W. Ayass,Polyoxometalates Comprising Noble Metals and Post-Transition Metals and MetalClusters Thereof (WO2018162144 (A1)-2018-09-13)

[4] T. Ma, P. Yang, W. W. Ayass, Z. Lin, U. Kortz,Polyoxometalates Comprising Noble Metals and Carboxylate-Based Capping Groupsand Metal Clusters Thereof (WO2018202420 (A1)-2018-11-08)