

发布时间:2025-03-26   浏览次数:0








2013.09-2019.06 陕西师范大学(推荐免试、硕博连读)物理化学  理学博士

2009.09-2013.06 威尼斯娱人城官网  威尼斯娱人城官网  化学     理学学士


2021.09-至今威尼斯娱人城官网  副教授  硕士生导师

2019.07-2021.06 深圳大学材料学院   博士后



科研工作:2022年获得河北省优秀青年基金资助,2023年获得河北省教育厅青年拔尖人才和河北省博士后择优重点项目资助。主要从事含硼有机功能材料的设计合成和应用研究。以第一作者或通讯作者及主要合作者在包括NaturePhotonics、JACS、Nat.Commun.、Adv. Mater.、Adv.Funct. Mater.、Chem.Sci.、Sci. China Chem. Anal. Chem.等重要学术期刊上发表学术论文30余篇。主持及完成多项国家和省自然科学基金课题研究工作,获得授权国家发明专利9件,在包括中国化学会第十六、十八届胶体与界面化学会议等在内的多场国内学术会议上做学术报告,获得包括全国“东方胶化”奖、威尼斯娱人城官网2022年度青年五四奖章、师德师风优秀奖、优秀本科生班主任、优秀共产党员、“研究新星奖”、优秀报告人、优秀墙报奖等在内的诸多荣誉。





ORCID ID:https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1734-8583.





4) 河北省博士后择优重点资助项目(B2023005008),主持人,在研;







12. Jinghua Yu,Haitao Yu*, Shusong Wang*, Yanyu Qi*. Progress in research ofzinc ion fluorescent probes for biological imaging. J. Lumin.2024,266, 120318. (IF: 3.6)

11. Zehua Zhang,Haitao Yu*, Yanyu Qi*. Design strategy for thermally activated delayedfluorescence materials with multiple resonance effect. Acta Phys. -Chim.Sin. 2024, 40, 2309042. (IF: 10.9)

10. XinkuoFang#, Zehua Zhang#, Yanyu Qi*, Bingbing Yue, Jinghua Yu, HuiYang, and Haitao Yu*. High-performance recognition, cell-imaging, and efficientremoval of carbon monoxide toward a palladium-mediated fluorescent sensingplatform. Anal. Chem.2023, 95, 11518-11525. (IF: 7.418)

9. Xinkuo Fang,Yudi Zhang, Mengfan Li, Zehua Zhang, Yanyu Qi *, Xiaobo Zhang*,Xuhong Zhang, Yun Liu, Jianwen Li, Haitao Yu*. A colorimetric and fluorometricmolecular system for discriminative detection of palladium acetate and CO cellimaging. Dyes Pigm., 2023, 209, 110929. (IF: 5.122)

8. YanyuQi, Weimin Ning, Yang Zou*, Xiaosong Cao, Shaolong Gong*, Chuluo Yang*.Peripheral decoration of multi-resonance molecules as a versatile approach forsimultaneous long-wavelength and narrowband emission. Adv. Funct. Mater.,2021, 2102017. (IF: 19.924)

7. YanyuQi, Wenjun Xu, Rui Kang, Nannan Ding,Yelei Wang, Gang He, Yu Fang*. Discrimination of saturated alkanes and relevantvolatile compounds via the utilization of a conceptual fluorescent sensor arraybased on organoboron-containing polymers. Chem. Sci., 2018, 9, 1892–1901.(IF: 9.969)

6. YanyuQi, Nannan Ding, Zhaolong Wang, Ling Xu,Yu Fang*. Mechanochromic wide-spectrum luminescence based on a monoboroncomplex. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11, 8676−8684.(IF: 10.383)

5. YanyuQi,Wenjun Xu, Nannan Ding, Xingmao Chang, Congdi Shang, Haonan Peng, Taihong Liu,Yu Fang*. A film-based fluorescent device for vapor phase detection of acetoneand related peroxide explosives. Mater. Chem. Front.,2019, 3, 1218-1224. (IF:8.683)

4. YanyuQi, Xiaosong Cao, Yang Zou*, Chuluo Yang*. Color-tunabletetracoordinated organoboron complexes exhibiting aggregation-induced emissionfor efficient turn-on detection of fluoride ions. Mater. Chem. Front., 2021,5, 2353-2360. (IF: 8.683)

3. YanyuQi, Xiaosong Cao, Yang Zou*, Chuluo Yang*. Multi-resonanceorganoboron-based fluorescent probe for ultra-sensitive, selective andreversible detection of fluoride ion. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9,1567-1571. (IF: 8.067)

2. YanyuQi, Rui Kang, Jie Huang, Weidong Zhang,Gang He*, Shiwei Yin*, Yu Fang*. Re-understanding the fluorescent behavior offour-coordinate monoboron complexes containing monoanionic bidentate ligands.J.Phys. Chem. B, 2017, 121, 6189–6199.(IF:3.466)

1. YanyuQi, Xiaohuan Sun, Xingmao Chang, Rui Kang,Kaiqiang Liu, Yu Fang*. A new type of 1,4-bis(phenylethynyl)benzenederivatives: optical behavior and sensing applications.Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin., 2016, 32, 373–379. (IF: 10.9)


10. 祁彦宇,于海涛,房新阔,张泽华,刘庆,吴少华,王文雅。一种一氧化碳检测和去除的荧光探针、金属有机凝胶及其制备方法和应用。中国发明专利:202310655351.5;

9.于海涛;祁彦宇; 张钰迪;李梦凡; 张泽华。荧光化合物、荧光探针和荧光传感薄膜及其制备方法和应用。中国发明专利:ZL2022 1 0209780.5;

8. 于海涛;祁彦宇; 张钰迪。荧光化合物、荧光探针和荧光可视化试纸及其制备方法和应用。中国发明专利:ZL2022 1 0209741.5;

7. 祁彦宇,邹洋,杨楚罗。一种四配位有机硼化合物、荧光探针及其制备方法与应用。中国发明专利:ZL2020 1 0886374.3;

6. 房喻,祁彦宇,孙晓环,常兴茂,崔红,贺美霞,王刚。一种荧光化合物及基于该荧光化合物的荧光探针和可视化试纸的制备方法和应用。中国发明专利:ZL2015 1 0275290.5;

5. 房喻,祁彦宇,徐文君,丁南南,尚丛娣,刘科,王朝龙。一种含四配位八羟基喹啉硼化合物及其制备方法和应用。中国发明专利:ZL2018 1 0898513.7;

4. 房喻,祁彦宇,徐文君,丁南南,尚丛娣,常兴茂。对气相丙酮及过氧化爆炸物有传感功能的荧光化合物及荧光传感薄膜的制备方法和应用。中国发明专利:ZL2018 1 1315218.0;

3. 房喻,何刚,祁彦宇,黄杰,张维东。一类含8-羟基喹啉硼的有机单体及基于该单体的共轭聚合物以及制备方法和应用。中国发明专利:ZL2016 1 0669251.8;

2. 房喻,孙晓环,崔红,祁彦宇,刘科,王刚,常兴茂。一种荧光化合物及其制备方法和利用该荧光化合物制备传感薄膜的方法和应用。中国发明专利:ZL2014 1 0245243.1.

1. 房喻,贺美霞,王刚,彭浩南,刘科,常兴茂,祁彦宇。一种对冰毒和冰毒类似物有传感功能的荧光化合物及荧光传感薄膜的制备和应用。中国发明专利:ZL2015 1 0250382.8.


1. Yu Xuan Hu,Jingsheng Miao, Tao Hua, Zhongyan Huang, Yanyu Qi, Yang Zou,Yuntao Qiu, Han Xia, He Liu, Xiaosong Cao, Chuluo Yang*. Efficientselenium-integrated TADF OLEDs with reduced roll-off. Nature Photonics, 2022,16, 803-810. (IF: 39.728)

2. ZhanxiangChen, Cheng Zhong, Jianmei Han, Jingsheng Miao, Yanyu Qi, YangZou, Guohua Xie, Shaolong Gong, and Chuluo Yang*. High-performance circularlypolarized electroluminescence with simultaneous narrowband emission, highefficiency, and large dissymmetry factor. Adv. Mater.2022, 34,2109147. (IF: 32.086)

3. Lisi Zhan, AoYing, Yanyu Qi, Kailong Wu, Yang Tang, Yao Tan, Yang Zou, GuohuaXie, Shaolong Gong, Chuluo Yang*. Copper(I) complex as sensitizer enableshigh-performance organic light-emitting diodes with very low efficiencyroll-off. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2021, 2106345. (IF: 19.924)

4. Wenjun Xu, YanyuQi, Kun Zhou, Zhaolong Wang, Gang Wang, Gang He, Yu Fang*. A newspirofluorene-based nonplanar PBI-dyad and its utilization in the film-basedphoto-production of singlet oxygen. Sci. China Chem., 2020, 63,526−533. (IF: 10.138)

5. XingmaoChang, Zhixuan Zhou, Congdi Shang, Gang Wang, Zhaolong Wang, Yanyu Qi,Zhong-Yu Li, Heng Wang, Liping Cao, Xiaopeng Li, Yu Fang*, Peter J. Stang*.Coordination-driven self-assembled metallacycles incorporating pyrene:fluorescence mutability, tunability, and aromatic amine sensing. J. Am.Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 1757−1765. (IF: 16.383)

6. ZhaolongWang, Gang Wang, Xingmao Chang, Ke Liu, Yanyu Qi, Congdi Shang,Rongrong Huang, Taihong Liu, Yu Fang*. A perylene bisimide-contained moleculardyad with high-efficient charge separation: switchability, tunability, andapplicability in moisture detection. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2019, 29,1905295. (IF: 19.924)

7. Ke Liu,Congdi Shang, Zhaolong Wang, Yanyu Qi, Rong Miao, Kaiqiang Liu,Taihong Liu, Yu Fang*. Non-contact identification and differentiation ofillicit drugs using fluorescent films. Nat. Commun., 2018, 9,1695. (IF: 17.694)